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    <--- 返回






DB-25 DB-9 信号名称 方向 含   义
2 3 TXD 输出 数据发送端
3 2 RXD 输入 数据接收端
4 7 RTS 输出 请求发送(计算机要求发送数据)
5 8 CTS 输入 清除发送(MODEM准备接收数据)
6 6 DSR 输入 数据设备准备就绪
7 5 SG - 信号地
8 1 DCD 输入 数据载波检测
20 4 DTR 输出 数据终端准备就绪(计算机)
22 9 RI 输入 响铃指示





基地址 读/写 寄存器缩写 注   释
0 Write - 发送保持寄存器(DLAB=0)
0 Read - 接收数据寄存器(DLAB=0)
0 Read/Write - 波特率低八位(DLAB=1)
1 Read/Write IER 中断允许寄存器
1 Read/Write - 波特率高八位(DLAB=1)
2 Read IIR 中断标识寄存器
2 Write FCR FIFO控制寄存器
3 Read/Write LCR 线路控制寄存器
4 Read/Write MCR MODEM控制寄存器
5 Read LSR 线路状态寄存器
6 Read MSR MODEM状态寄存器
7 Read/Write - Scratch Register




速率(BPS) 波特率高八位 波特率低八位
50 09h 00h
300 01h 80h
600 00h C0h
2400 00h 30h
4800 00h 18h
9600 00h 0Ch
19200 00h 06h
38400 00h 03h
57600 00h 02h
115200 00h 01h




注   释
7 未使用
6 未使用
5 进入低功耗模式(16750)
4 进入睡眠模式(16750)
3 允许MODEM状态中断
2 允许接收线路状态中断
1 允许发送保持器空中断
0 允许接收数据就绪中断



注   释
Bit6:7=00 无FIFO
Bit6:7=01 允许FIFO,但不可用
Bit6:7=11 允许FIFO
Bit5 允许64字节FIFO(16750)
Bit4 未使用
Bit3 16550超时中断
Bit2:1=00 MODEM状态中断(CTS/RI/DTR/DCD)
Bit2:1=01 发送保持寄存器空中断
Bit2:1=10 接收数据就绪中断
Bit2:1=11 接收线路状态中断
Bit0=0 有中断产生
Bit0=1 无中断产生




注   释
Bit7:6=00 1Byte产生中断
Bit7:6=01 4Byte产生中断
Bit7:6=10 8Byte产生中断
Bit7:6=11 14Byte产生中断
Bit5 允许64字节FIFO
Bit4 未使用
Bit3 DMA模式选择
Bit2 清除发送FIFO
Bit1 清除接收FIFO
Bit0 允许FIFO



注   释
Bit7=1 允许访问波特率因子寄存器
Bit7=0 允许访问接收/发送及中断允许寄存器
Bit6 设置间断,0-禁止,1-设置
Bit5:3=XX0 无校验
Bit5:3=001 奇校验
Bit5:3=011 偶校验
Bit5:3=101 奇偶保持为1
Bit5:3=111 奇偶保持为0
Bit2=0 1位停止位
Bit2=1 2位停止位(数据位6-8位),1.5位停止位(5位数据位)
Bit1:0=00 5位数据位
Bit1:0=01 6位数据位
Bit1:0=10 7位数据位
Bit1:0=11 8位数据位



注   释
Bit7 未使用
Bit6 未使用
Bit5 自动流量控制(仅16750)
Bit4 环路测试
Bit3 辅助输出2
Bit2 辅助输出1
Bit1 设置RTS
Bit0 设置DSR



注   释
Bit7 FIFO中接收数据错误
Bit6 发送移位寄存器空
Bit5 发送保持寄存器空
Bit4 间断
Bit3 帧格式错
Bit2 奇偶错
Bit1 超越错
Bit0 接收数据就绪




注   释
Bit7 载波检测
Bit6 响铃指示
Bit5 DSR准备就绪
Bit4 CTS有效
Bit3 DCD已改变
Bit2 RI已改变
Bit1 DSR已改变
Bit0 CTS已改变



(2)使用查询方法的串行通讯程序设计:   返回页首

polling.c       下载polling.c

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define PortBase 0x2F8

void com_putch(unsigned char);
int com_chkch(void);

 int c;
 unsigned char ch;

 outportb(PortBase +1,0);/*Turn off interrupts -Port1*/

 /*Set COM1:9600,8,N,1*/
 outportb(PortBase +3,0x80);
 outportb(PortBase +0,0x0C);
 outportb(PortBase +1,0x00);
 outportb(PortBase +3,0x03);



 c =com_chkch();
  c &=0xff;putch(c);

  ch =getch();com_putch(ch);


void com_putch(unsigned char ch){
 unsigned char status;

 status =inportb(PortBase+5);
 if(status&0x01)inportb(PortBase+0);else break;


int com_chkch(void){
 unsigned char status;

 status =inportb(PortBase+5);
 status &=0x01;
 if(status)return((int)inportb(PortBase+0));else return(-1);



(3)使用中断的串行通讯程序设计:   返回页首


serial.c   下载serial.c

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <bios.h>
#include "sercom.c"


 unsigned char ch;

 c =ser_init(PORT_B,BAUD_9600,_COM_CHR8,_COM_NOPARITY,4096,4096);


  ch =getser(c);

  ch =getch();


llio.c       下载llio.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <bios.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define    CR0x0d
#define    TRUE0xff
#define    FALSE0

#define    PORT_A    0/*COM1*/
#define    PORT_B    1/*COM2*/
#define    BAUD_9600 _COM_9600
#define    BAUD_4800 _COM_4800
#define    BAUD_2400 _COM_2400
#define    BAUD_1200 _COM_1200
#define    BAUD_600  _COM_600
#define    BAUD_300  _COM_300
#define    BAUD_110  _COM_110

typedef struct {
 char ready;            /*TRUEwhen ready */
 unsigned com_base;     /*8250Base Address */
 char irq_mask;         /*IRQ Enable Mask */
 char irq_eoi;          /*EOIreply for this port */
 char int_number;       /*Interrupt #used */
 void (_interrupt _far *old)(void );    /*Old Interrupt */

 /*Buffers for I/O*/

 char *in_buf;            /*Input buffer */
 int in_tail;             /*Input buffer TAILptr */
 int in_head;             /*Input buffer HEADptr */
 int in_size;             /*Input buffer size */
 int in_crcnt;            /*Input <CR>count */
 char in_mt;              /*Input buffer FLAG*/

 char *out_buf;           /*Output buffer */
 int out_tail;            /*Output buffer TAILptr */
 int out_head;            /*Output buffer HEADptr */
 int out_size;            /*Output buffer size */
 char out_full;           /*Output buffer FLAG*/
 char out_mt;             /*Output buffer MT*/

COM    *ser_init(int port,int baud,int bit,int parity,int isize,int osize );
void    ser_close(COM*c );

int getsers(COM*c,int len,char *str );
int putsers(char *str,COM*c );
char serline(COM*c );
int getser(COM*c );
char serhit(COM*c);
char putser(char outch,COM*c);
void cntl_rts(int flag,COM*c);
void cntl_dtr(int flag,COM*c);
void clean_ser(COM*c );

#define    COM1_BASE        0x03F8
#define    COM1_IRQ_MASK    0xEF    /*11101111BIRQ4For COM1*/
#define    COM1_IRQ_EOI     0x64    /*IRQ4Spec EOI*/
#define    COM1_INT_NUM     0x0C    /*Int #for IRQ4*/

#define    COM2_BASE        0x02F8
#define    COM2_IRQ_MASK    0xF7    /*11110111BIRQ3For COM2*/
#define    COM2_IRQ_EOI     0x63    /*IRQ3Spec EOI*/
#define    COM2_INT_NUM     0x0B    /*Int #for IRQ3*/

/*8250ACEregister defs */

#define    THR    0    /*Offset to Xmit hld reg (write)*/
#define    RBR    0    /*Receiver holding buffer (read)*/
#define    IER    1    /*Interrupt enable register */
#define    IIR    2    /*Interrupt identification reg */
#define    LCR    3    /*Line control register */
#define    MCR    4    /*Modem control register */
#define    LSR    5    /*Line status register */
#define    MSR    6    /*Modem status register */

#define    SREG(x)    ((unsigned)((unsigned)x +c->com_base))

/*8259Int controller registers */

#define    INTC_MASK    0x21    /*Interrupt controller MASKreg */
#define    INTC_EOI     0x20    /*Interrupt controller EOIreg */

#define    MAX_PORTS    2       /*#I/Oports (DOSlimit)*/
static int count =0;
static COM com_list[MAX_PORTS];  /*I/Odata structure */

static COM *com1;                /*Pointers for interrupt actions */
static COM *com2;
static COM *com_xfer;            /*Transfer interrupt data structure */

COM    *ser_init0(int port,char *ibuf,int isize,char *obuf,int osize);
void   ser_close0(COM*c );

void (_interrupt _far int_ser1)(void );   /*Int rtn for serial I/O COM1*/
void (_interrupt _far int_ser2)(void );   /*Int rtn for serial I/O COM2*/
void (_interrupt _far int_ser_sup)(void );/*Support int actions */

COM    *ser_init(int port,int baud,int bit,int parity,int isize,int osize )
 unsigned status;
 char ch;
 char *in_buf,*out_buf;

 status =_bios_serialcom(_COM_INIT,port,(bit |parity |_COM_STOP2|baud ));

 in_buf =malloc(isize );
 if(in_buf ==NULL)return(NULL);

 out_buf =malloc(osize );
 if(out_buf ==NULL)return(NULL);

 c =ser_init0(port,in_buf,isize,out_buf,osize );


 return(c );

void    ser_close(COM*c)
 int i;

 if(!c->ready )return;


 free(c->in_buf );
 free(c->out_buf );


char    serline(COM*c )

 if(!c->ready )return(FALSE);

 if(c->in_crcnt >0)return(TRUE);
 else return(FALSE);

int    getsers(COM*c,int len,char *str )
 char ch;
 int i;

 i =0;
 while(i<len ){

 ch =0x7f &getser(c);
 switch(ch ){

  case 0x0d:str[i++]='\0';
  return(i );

  case 0x00:
  case 0x0a:break;


 return(len );

int    putsers(char *str,COM*c )
 int n,i,j;

 n =strlen(str );

 while(!putser(str[i],c ));

 return(n );

char    putser(char outch,COM*c )
 char val;

 if(!c->ready )return(FALSE);

 while(!c->out_mt &&(c->out_head ==c->out_tail));

 if(!c->out_full ){
 if(c->out_head ==c->out_size )
  c->out_head =0;        /*Reset buffer circularly */

 if(c->out_head ==c->out_tail ){
 c->out_full =TRUE;
 }else c->out_full =FALSE;

 val =inp(SREG(LCR));    /*Reset DLABfor IERaccess */
 val &=0x7F;               /*Clear IERaccess bit */

 val =inp(SREG(IER));
 if(!(val &0x02))        /*Interrupt ON?*/

 c->out_mt =FALSE;        /*Not MTnow */
 _disable();               /*Interrupts OFF NOW*/
 outp(SREG(IER),0x03);     /*RX&TXinterrupts ON*/
 _enable();                /*Interrupts ONagain */


char    serhit(COM*c )
 if(!c->ready )return(FALSE);

 if(!c->in_mt )return(TRUE);
 else return(FALSE);

int    getser(COM*c )
 int ch;

 if(!c->ready )return(FALSE);



 ch =0xff &c->in_buf[c->in_tail++];
 if(c->in_tail ==c->in_size )c->in_tail =0;

 if(c->in_tail ==c->in_head )c->in_mt =TRUE;

 if(ch ==CR)            /*Keep track of CR's */


 return(ch );

void    clean_ser(COM*c )

 c->in_head =0;
 c->in_tail =0;
 c->in_mt =TRUE;
 c->in_crcnt =0;


void    cntl_dtr(int flag,COM*c )
 char val;

 if(!c->ready )return;

 val =inp(SREG(MCR));

 if(flag )val |=1;
 else val &=~1;


void    cntl_rts(int flag,COM*c )
 char val;

 if(!c->ready )return;

 val =inp(SREG(MCR));

 if(flag )val |=2;
 else val &=~2;


COM    *ser_init0(int port,char *ibuf,int isize,char *obuf,int osize)
 int i;
 char val;

 while(port >=MAX_PORTS)  /*Get port #in range */
 for(i=0;i<MAX_PORTS;i++)/*Select data structure */
 if(!com_list[i].ready ){
  c =&(com_list[i]);

if(i ==MAX_PORTS)/*Not found */

 c->in_buf =ibuf;
 c->in_size =isize;
 c->in_mt =TRUE;
 c->in_head =0;
 c->in_tail =0;
 c->in_crcnt =0;

 c->out_buf =obuf;
 c->out_size =osize;
 c->out_full =FALSE;
 c->out_mt =TRUE;
 c->out_head =0;
 c->out_tail =0;

 switch(port ){

 case 0:        /*Here set up for COM1*/
  c->ready =TRUE;
  c->com_base =COM1_BASE;
  c->irq_mask =COM1_IRQ_MASK;
  c->irq_eoi =COM1_IRQ_EOI;
  c->int_number =COM1_INT_NUM;


  c->old =_dos_getvect(c->int_number );

 case 1:        /*Here set up for COM1*/
 c->ready =TRUE;
 c->com_base =COM2_BASE;
 c->irq_mask =COM2_IRQ_MASK;
 c->irq_eoi =COM2_IRQ_EOI;
 c->int_number =COM2_INT_NUM;


 c->old =_dos_getvect(c->int_number );

 default:return(NULL);    /*Bad port SKIP*/

 val =inp(INTC_MASK);
 val &=c->irq_mask;
 outp(INTC_MASK,val );

 val =inp(SREG(LSR));    /*Read and discard STATUS*/
 val =inp(SREG(RBR));    /*Read and discard DATA*/

 val =inp(SREG(LCR));    /*Rst DLABfor IERaccess */
 val &=0x7F;               /*01111111B*/
 outp(SREG(LCR),val );

 outp(SREG(IER),1);        /*Enable Data READY INT*/

 outp(SREG(MCR),0xB);     /*Enable OUT2,RTS&DTR*/


 return(c );


void    ser_close0(COM*c )
 char val;

 if(!c->ready )return;


 val =inp(INTC_MASK);
 val |=~c->irq_mask;

 val =inp(SREG(LCR));    /*Reset DLABfor IERaccess */
 val &=0x7F;               /*Clear IERaccess bit */

 val =inp(SREG(RBR));
 val =inp(SREG(LSR));
 val =inp(SREG(IIR));
 val =inp(SREG(IER));
 outp(SREG(IER),0);        /*Disable 8250Interrupts */

 outp(SREG(MCR),0);        /*Disable RTS,DTRand OUT2*/

 outp(SREG(MCR),0);        /*Disable OUT2*/

 _dos_setvect(c->int_number,c->old );


 c->ready =FALSE;


void    _interrupt _far int_ser1(void )

 com_xfer =com1;
 _chain_intr(int_ser_sup );

void    _interrupt _far int_ser2(void )

 com_xfer =com2;
 _chain_intr(int_ser_sup );

void    _interrupt _far int_ser_sup(void )
 char val;
 char ch;
 int ptr;

 c =com_xfer;

 val =inp(SREG(LSR));/*Read and discard STATUS*/
 val =inp(SREG(IIR));/*Get interrupt status register */

 if(val &0x04)/*Receive Interrupt */

  ptr =c->in_head;
  ch =inp(SREG(RBR));

  if(c->in_mt ||ptr !=c->in_tail ){
   if(ptr ==c->in_size )ptr =0;
   c->in_head =ptr;
   c->in_mt =FALSE;

   if(ch ==CR)        /*Count lines */
 }else {
  if(val &0x02)/*Transmit Interrupt */
   if((!c->out_full)&&(c->out_head ==c->out_tail)){

    c->out_mt =TRUE;
    val =inp(SREG(LCR));
    val &=0x7F;

/*RXinterrupts ON*/
   }else {

    if(c->out_tail ==c->out_size )c->out_tail =0;
  }else return;        /*No Interrupt */


(4)MCS-51串行通讯:   下载serint.c       下载serint.h


#include <stdio.h>
#include <reg51.h>

void putch(unsigned char);
unsigned char getch(void);

 unsigned char ch;

 ch =getch();putch(ch);


void putch(unsigned char ch){


unsigned char getch(void){



   使用中断驱动的程序比较复杂,下面为完整的MCS-51串行通讯底层驱动程序,由头文件serint.hJ及serint.c组成。   返回页首

serint.h       下载serint.h

unsigned char RR_iHead;    /*receiver head index */
unsigned char RR_iTail;    /*receiver tail index */
unsigned char RR_cLev;     /*receiver buffer count */
unsigned char RR_cMax;     /*receiver buffer count */

unsigned char TR_iHead;    /*transmitter head index */
unsigned char TR_iTail;    /*transmitter tail index */
unsigned char TR_cLev;     /*transmitter buffer count */
unsigned char TR_cMax;     /*transmitter buffer count */

unsigned char UnGotCh;     /*saved char for ungetch()*/

unsigned char SerFlags;    /*serial flag */

bit FlagTransIdle;         /*set when transmitter is finished */
bit FlagStripOutLF;        /*don't send linefeeds */
bit FlagCvtInCR;           /*convert incoming CRto LF*/

unsigned char TestBits;

#define INRINGSIZE128     /*must be <=254to avoid wraps */
#define OUTRINGSIZE250    /*ditto */

#define T1RELOAD253

#define CR13
#define LF10
#define ESC27

#define EOF-1

unsigned char xdata RRing[INRINGSIZE];    /*receiver ring buffer */
unsigned char xdata TRing[OUTRINGSIZE];   /*receiver ring buffer */

int    putstr (const char *);
int    putch(int);
int    chkch();
int    getch();
void   SerWaitOutDone();
int    SerFlushIn();
int    putc(int TransChar);

serint.c       下载seint.c

/*CONSOLE.C--serial I/Ocode */

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Initialize serial port hardware and variables */

#include <reg51.h>
#include "serint.h"

void    SerInitialize(){

 SerFlags =0; 

 FlagTransIdle =1;
 FlagCvtInCR=1;        /*want to turn CRs into LFs */
 RR_iHead =RR_iTail =RR_cLev =RR_cMax =0;
 TR_iHead =TR_iTail =TR_cLev =TR_cMax =0;
 UnGotCh =-1;

/*---set up Timer 1to produce serial rate */

 TCON&=0x3F;         /*clear run &interrupt flags */
 TMOD&=0x0F;         /*flush existing Timer 1setup */
 TMOD|=0x20;         /*flush existing Timer 1setup */

 SCON=0x50;          /*flush existing Timer 1setup */
 TH1=TL1=T1RELOAD&0x00FF;    /*flush existing Timer 1setup */
 TR1=1;              /*start the timer */
 ES=1;               /*enable serial interrupts */

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Serial console interrupt handler */
/*If transmitter output is disabled,we fake trans interrupts until empty */

void    SerInt()interrupt 4

 if(RI){                /*receiver interrupt active?*/
 if(RR_cLev<INRINGSIZE){/*room for newest char?*/
  RRing[RR_iHead]=SBUF;/*pick up the character and stick in ring */
  RR_iHead++;            /*tick the index */
  RR_cLev++;             /*tick size counter */
  if(RR_iHead==INRINGSIZE)RR_iHead =0;    /*hit end of array yet?*/
 RI=0;                 /*indicate we have it */

 if(TI){                 /*transmitter interrupt active?*/
 if(TR_cLev){           /*anything to send?*/
  SBUF=TRing[TR_iTail];/*fetch next char and send it */
  TR_cLev--;             /*tick size counter */
  TR_iTail++;            /*tick the index */
  if(TR_iTail==OUTRINGSIZE)TR_iTail =0;    /*hit end of array yet?*/
 }else FlagTransIdle =1;/*no,flag inactive */

 TI=0;                 /*indicate done with it */


/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Send character to console */
/*Can strip LFs,in which case you get CRinstead of LF/CR*/

int    putch(int TransChar)
 putc(TransChar);                /*if not LF,handle normally */
 if(TransChar=='\n')putc('\r'); /*if LF,send a CR*/

int    putc(int TransChar)

 while(TR_cLev>=OUTRINGSIZE);    /*wait for space in ring */
 TRing[TR_iHead]=TransChar;    /*point to char slot */
 TR_iHead++;                     /*tick counter &index */
 if(TR_iHead==OUTRINGSIZE)TR_iHead =0;
 FlagTransIdle =0;             /*kickstart transmitter if idle */


/*Decide if there are any pending chars */
/*Returns nonzero if there's a char */

int    chkch(){

 return(RR_cLev);                /*tack on current level */

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Wait for the serial transmitter to go idle */
/*If the transmitter is disabled,that's considered to be the same thing */

void    SerWaitOutDone(){

 while (TR_cLev);                /*wait for ring empty */
 while(!FlagTransIdle);          /*wait for last char */

/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Flush the input buffer */
/*Returns number of chars flushed */

int    SerFlushIn(){

 ES=0;                        /*turn off serial interrupts */
 RR_iTail =0;                  /*reset ring variables */
 RR_iHead =0;
 RR_cLev =0;
 ES=1;                        /*turn on serial interrupts */


/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Get character from console */
/*CRs turn into LFs unless we're not doing that...*/

int    getch(){
 int RetVal;

 ES=0;            /*avoid interruptions */

 if(RR_cLev){      /*anything pending?*/
 RetVal =RRing[RR_iTail];
 if(RetVal=='\r')RetVal ='\n';       /*use LFinstead of CR*/
 RR_iTail++;       /*tick size index &counter */
 if(RR_iTail==INRINGSIZE)RR_iTail =0;/*hit end of array yet?*/
 }else RetVal =-1;


/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/   返回页首
/*Send string to console */
/*putstr(char *pString);*/
/*The ?putstr entry point has *pString in DPTR*/

int    putstr (char *pstring)
 while(*pstring){        /*fetch character if zero done */
 pstring++;              /*continue...*/


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